The last time I trained properly was when Rey Diogo visited us at Caza BJJ in Noosa nearly a month ago. Following that, we took our kids out of school, and stayed home as much as we can. With an asthmatic family, and a wife that has already had enough cases of pneumonia, we figured that we would reduce the risk of getting sick for a while.
Lucky for me, the whole family train. So I am not solo training… but there is a big size difference across us, which makes it hard to use any real pressure.
So with that said, I can’t complain that I am unable to move.
We have set mats up in our lounge room, and moved light weights in to our new home Dojo.
It has to be said that my wife was initially not happy about me buying mats for our lounge room a few months ago, when I initially bought them. This is no longer the case.
So, we have people to train with, we have mats, Gi’s, some weights, and luckily there were some video’s that we took at the Rey Diogo seminar that will allow us to work through some new techniques.
I guess all that we need now is the motivation.